Diverse individuals in Cooloola Fitness Centre group classes, radiating energy and enthusiasm.

Discover a Workout that Makes You Sweat, Smile, and Shine

At Cooloola Fitness Centre, we’re all about creating a workout environment that’s both invigorating and fun.

It’s not just about the burn; it’s about the journey and the joy of achieving your fitness goals.



Amplify your workout. A class where strength meets endurance, and you discover what you’re truly capable of


It’s not just lifting; it’s an experience. Engage, elevate, and energise every muscle group, one beat at a time.
Kii max


Merge fitness with finesse. Harness the power of martial arts for a workout that’s as dynamic as it is powerful.
Kung fu

Kung Fu:

Immerse yourself in ancient techniques that do more than sculpt the body. They mould the mind.


Efficiency meets intensity.
Experience transformation in short, adrenaline-packed bursts.
Stretch and roll

Stretch and Roll:

It’s the relaxation after the storm. Unwind, stretch, and let every muscle rejoice.


Wave goodbye to repetition. Embrace a session that keeps you on your toes, moving from one challenge to the next..


Discover the fusion of agility and resistance. It’s time to redefine strength, and BAT’s here to guide you.

Join our Cooloola Fitness Centre community for these exciting classes,

led by dedicated professionals who are as passionate about your fitness journey as you are.

Why settle for the ordinary? Let’s make every workout an event!